She Claims Knowledge of Cops Illegal Activities


PREVIOUS: He said He’d Kill me || NEXT: Notes to herself


Another handwritten note from jail provided to a private detective demonstrates that Ms. Kerr will stop at nothing to divert attention from herself and create false scenarios. This time she is claiming that she has inside knowledge of illicit activities conducted by Pennsylvania State Police and City Police Officers. These include the sale of drugs and weapons. She is claiming knowledge of something illicit that happened involving a video and a 14-year-old.

She tells the detective she is willing to talk to the State Police about it. Of course, she makes it a point to say that she will not talk to Max Camp.

This letter and others like it she wrote from jail were passed from the private detective to the State Police.
The State Police have known Ms. Kerr for years and are familiar with her criminality and false claims, therefore her bizarre statements were not taken seriously.

But it goes to show the lengths that Ms. Kerr will lie if she thinks she will get a benefit from it.
Of course, she gives no thought to the harm she causes to others when she makes her false allegations which sometimes are believed. She has destroyed careers, reputations, and relationships just for the joy it brings to her.