Notes to herself


PREVIOUS: She Claims Knowledge of Cops Illegal Activities || NEXT: Excerpts From: A Frank Discussion With Someone Who Knows Her.


As these discarded personal notes were found and show Ms. Kerr took the time to script out exactly what she would say in emails before she actually wrote them and send them. These handwritten notes reveal some miscellaneous thoughts and reminders, but for the most part she has scripted out what would soon become an email. She has taken on the “voice” or the persona of Max Camp and, using a “Max Camp” email address she created, she sent the email to herself, to one of her known email addresses. Thus, she is creating the appearance that “Max Camp” wrote the email to her. She would then either forward the email or show it to whoever she was scamming at the time as proof that Max Camp was behind many of the schemes and was even pressuring her, or threatening her to do his bidding. “Max” is threatening Lynda. “He” is telling her to keep her mouth shut. “He” is threatening her with federal prison. “He” is saying “you’ve fucked up for the last time.” These particular notes which were later copied into an email from “Max Camp” to herself, were likely intended for Deirdre Obrien. Although Deirdre was often involved in the scamming of others at the direction of Lynda, she was also being manipulated by Lynda with confusing and false information about the degree to which Max Camp was either directly involved, or not involved with Lynda in perpetrating the scams.