Lynda Makes Some Bold and Untrue Statements


PREVIOUS: This Man Is Not A Fan || NEXT: This Guy Was Warned About Her But He Still Gave Her Money


“What we have here is a failure to communicate.”
“Fair Use Exception” Cool Hand Luke. Strother Martin.

-Effective and honest communication is never a possibility with Lynda Kerr.


“You and I worked it out where I, not only my Social Security but my payment from my ex-husband, um both come in on the same day.”

-Ms. Kerr is stating that she receives financial payments from her ex-husband. This is a lie. She gets nothing, (and she deserves nothing) from her ex-husband.


“I mean, when I first moved in here with my uncle, his finances were a mess and I had to clean it all up, so you know, over the past months and months I’ve been paying everything and things have been cool.”

-Shortly after Ms. Kerr stole tens of thousands of dollars from poor Thomas Butler, she returned to her old trick of infiltrating different AA group meetings, prowling for vulnerable, elderly men; often sickly and alone, to “befriend them” but ultimately to steal from them. It is in such a group where she found “Paul.” Paul was suffering with multiple life-threatening diseases including COPD. He was an ideal candidate and soon after she singled him out, Lynda moved in with him under the guise of, “taking care of him” but in reality, of course, she was living off him, taking what she could get. Alert individuals familiar with this situation contacted the local Agency on Aging and reported what they suspected elder abuse. Not necessarily physical abuse, but financial. An investigation was initiated but never came to a conclusion because Paul’s condition took a turn for the worse and he passed away. Ms. Kerr was off the hook and she moved on to her next scheme. On a side note, for reasons known only to Ms. Kerr, she did physical damage to Paul’s house with an axe which she was ultimately held accountable for.


“Look, I got an eighty-nine-year-old man here that, you know, is my uncle who all he can do is lay on a couch and watch TV.”


“See you don’t get it. I, I, I came here from Punxsutawney and I take care of him and I do not owe people money. I refuse to owe a penny to anyone. I have no debt.”

-Another example demonstrating the ease that Ms. Kerr can tell a convincing lie. Lying comes as naturally as breathing to her.