Father Gregory K. –


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First, a word from a Catholic priest who knew her well.

“And anybody will tell you that, I mean, if there was ever evil incarnate walking on two legs, it’s that woman. It’s, it’s and I mean, many people, she’s very frightening. She’s a frightening human being.”



INTERVIEWER: That she and you were involved in a romantic relationship?

FR. GREGORY K: Oh absolutely. Yeah, yeah. I mean she told everybody!

FR. GREGORY K: And it was awful, I mean, the first time I heard it I happened to be right, it was at some kind of social gathering and I heard this and I, I, went right to her husband. And I told him, and he, it’s funny, because he was not surprised, he just laughed, he didn’t… “…it’s just so ridiculous” but it didn’t upset him, I mean, I was, (laughs) I was very upset.


FR. GREGORY K: To the point where, I mean it was one of the…, it was a following Sunday or something like that, I mean I REALLY, I mean I just screamed from the pulpit at every mass that Sunday. Just not specifically but just about gossip and you know what people are doing to ruin, to try to ruin other people’s reputations, and it’s interesting you know, most people said “Gee that was great, we need to hear that every once in a while.” She called me up after that and she said “Well, why did you say that? You weren’t talking about me…” I mean just the whole guilty, you know…


FR. GREGORY K: Yeah. Oh yeah.


FR. GREGORY K: Yeah, but, oh no it was just an awful situation, and it was, like I said it was public, you know I mean lots of people knew about it and a lot of people were yapping about it.
“See the thing was I was so blindsided by this because there was never even any hint. Like I said, it was just, the only relationship I ever had with her was, you know, talking to her in passing. I was never at their home or anything like this. So, I mean maybe I did something that made her mad, that got her to do this, I don’t know.
I mean, you know, it’s hard to figure the mind of a psychotic.”
“I mean I heard that she was running around with one of the police officers, where there was a State policeman or city policeman.”
“I mean, I feel terrible for you, and I can understand, in a way, not certainly to the degree that you’ve gone through it but we’ve been, we’ve been bitten by the same serpent, you know, and have a taste of the same poison from her. Ooofff!”
“So, with her craftiness, you know,
to begin with, which is innate for her…”
“That’s the scary thing. That’s a scary thing. I mean it’s just, like I said at the very beginning of this conversation, she’s a frightening woman. Frightening. You know, you and I both have run into mean and hateful people and people that are out to get you but she is above and beyond all that. I think there’s something diabolical there. I mean, I couldn’t prove that either, but I think it’s something more than just her wiles, I think there’s something diabolical there.”
“I knew her mother, I buried her mother. I had the funeral mass for her mother. I had the funeral mass for her mother and, you know, I just, I don’t know it was just a crazy situation. I mean she bitched and moaned afterwards that it was so awful, that I had done such a terrible job, I mean it was just, I don’t know, she was in a bad mood at the time or something. It’s strange. It’s funny that you mention that.”


Congregation where Father Gregory was appointed.

– R.I.P. Father Gregory Kirsch. A good man. A kind and gentle man. A Catholic Priest who was well respected and very much beloved by everyone who knew him. With one exception, Lynda Kerr, who must have hated him and tried to destroy him. She targeted this good man for ruination by inventing insane rumors and gossip designed to decimate Father Kirsch’s good name and reputation. He suffered tremendously and was forced to leave is parish in Punxsutawney because of the doubt Lynda Kerr instilled in the minds of others. Thankfully, Father Kirsch was resilient he survived her slander. He went on to continue in the priesthood for the remainder of his life, perhaps scarred, but this man of God was not defeated by the diabolical Lynda Kerr.