A Former Landlord


PREVIOUS: Lynda Admits to Fearlessly Lying to the F.B.I. || NEXT: Adventures In Norwood Gardens and the West Hills Police Dept.



“Lynda Kerr, just talking about her, just two minutes ago, yeah, she ripped off a couple of trains – my little boy, we were just looing for them today and my brother said who did it – I said I know who did it, it was my tenant. Yeah, she skipped out, uh, yeah, she skipped out on a month or so rent and uh, we caught her stealing, in fact I had the police here, uh, she confessed to it.”

“She copped a couple of credit cards and we caught her – I don’t know brother, she’s screwy, got a demon in her, I guess.”

“I got pissed because we found these trains missing
and that’s what she was up in the attic, stealing shit.”

“There’s a police report on it in Punxsutawney, we caught her. She stole some credit cards out of my wife’s purse when my son was there, he let her in to use the bathroom or something like and she, you know, he’s only eleven, he didn’t know any better, he was trying to help her out and she stole some credit cards. We caught her right away.”

“That was Nancy Puchy and she moved out of the building but, that’s what I said, there should be a police report, Nancy called the police and in fact I questioned her in front of the police officer and made her admit to it, you know. I questioned Lynda, right, Nancy Puchy and the police officer and I were there and I confronted her with it and uh, we nailed her.”

“Lynda tried to blame shit on her, she said her daughter
stole it; that’s what she told the police officer.”
(She’ll never get “Mother of the Year” at this rate).

“Well, you know what, she had a, she was hired, she told me she got a job as a night nurse or something like that and then she ended up at County Market, she got hired for County Market because I – in fact I just threw her name tag thing away today, in the garbage, and there was a smock, you know, from County Market, uh, it’s still down there, it’s on the box, and the name tags still down there too. She said she started to get a job as a night nurse and then that fell through whatever, and then I’d seen the County Market thing, she started in the deli or something. She lost her license for stealing drugs, she told the police officer that. I interrogated her brother, that’s what I used to do for a living.”

Lynda lost her LPN license very shortly after getting it for stealing 104 carpujects of Demerol from the Clearfield Hospital years before this incident. Not having a license didn’t stop her from trying to pass herself off as a licensed nurse and she tried to get herself hired into the homes of very sick people.


“We’ll probably get a State Trooper involved from here. She told me she was dating a State Trooper, maybe that was that Max guy.”

“I was originally from here, because I know other people that know her and uh, they all told me she’s no good, you know.”